Welcome to the blog for the upcoming fanfiction from MandyLeigh87!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chapter 18 Teaser

The snow had begun to melt, and I mean really melt, about a week ago. The roads were probably passable. My poor phone charger was probably lying in a puddle somewhere out on... the road. It was like everything was melting away with the snow, everything I held dear was just getting smaller and smaller with each drop of rain against the ground.
“You know I still have a few days before my flight was technically supposed to get back from Europe,” I mumbled. “I don’t have to go back yet.”
“But you have to go back,” Edward said, keeping his eyes on the road.
“I’ll come back,” I said quickly. “I just have to get things settled back in town, but I’ll come back.” I reached over and took his hand. 
It was odd that something as simple as rain could turn us into this. We were afraid. There was no other way to put it and even though I didn’t want to leave, there was something else in that fear. I could feel it. Like something bad was on the horizon.
 p.s. things for our couple are going to start moving pretty quickly, we're only a couple of chapters away from the prologue! So exciting!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chapter 17 Teaser

Beastward's kind of a ball of emo right now sorry :/ I will hug him hard.

Once I was outside, my legs carried me faster and faster over the drifting snow towards the trees. They were safe. I could hide there. At least for a little while.

I kept rubbing my finger against one of the thorns, just light scraping it against my skin enough to give me something to focus on. By the time I made it to the meadow, I was mumbling to myself and shaking a bit from the cold.

This was the fucking reason I didn’t let anyone in. I didn’t want to experience the disappointment. For the first time I was terrified of disappointing someone else, instead of being disappointed when they cowered away. I didn’t want to let her down. She meant everything to me and I started to doubt if I could be enough for her. She doesn’t think I can love her. Hell, maybe she’s right. I can’t blame her for looking at me and seeing something dark and unnatural. Love is light and beautiful, the complete opposite of everything I am. I am the darkness, polluting the atmosphere like some kind of poison. I thought maybe I could move past it, but her doubt shattered everything.

Chapter 17 Song Tease!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chapter 16 Song Tease!

Beastward is on his way back to you guys. I apologize for the unusually long wait, I've had a lot of things going on and unfortunately have not had time to write. Currently working on the chapter and I'm determined to have it up this week : )

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter 15 Teaser from a young Beastward ; )

An hour later I was sitting in the office with an ice pack on my face and angry parents beside me. My mom looked like she was about to cry and my dad had the “we’ll talk about it later” look on his face.
 “Dad it wasn’t my fault,” I said.
“I don’t want to hear it Edward,” he said.
“Dr. Cullen, Mrs. Cullen…please come in.” The principal ushered us all into his office. He waited until we were all seated until he spoke again. “I don’t have to tell you that this is a serious matter. And this is not the first time we’ve had to deal with Edward’s behavior.”
I rolled my eyes and started smiling at the secretary out in the regular office. She had to be in her thirties but she was fucking gorgeous.
“I know you contribute a lot to this school and your support is important to us, but I cannot let this latest incident slide. Especially considering the contraband we found in his locker.”
That brought my attention back to the conversation.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“Do you want to explain these?” He held up a ziplock bag of about five pills.
“You had no fucking right to go through my locker. Isn’t that violation of privacy or something? This is bullshit!”
“We received an anonymous tip from a student,” he said softly. I could only guess who it was. Stupid bastard.
My father sighed and buried his head in his hands. “I’ll take care of this.” He took the pills from the principal’s hands.
“We’re suspending Edward for a week, the other boy no longer attends this school. We take weapons very seriously.” The principal tapped his pen on his desk. “Mr. Cullen,” he addressed me. “I sincerely hope you’ll take this time to re-evaluate your choices. We will not be so lenient next time.”